Making Sales Social Podcast
Rolling Out Social Selling for Your Sales Team
Rolling Out Social Selling for Your Sales Team
EP 164
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February 16, 2023
Rolling Out Social Selling for Your Sale...

Many sales leaders look at LinkedIn and social selling and think, "Yeah, that's for my team and me." That's a good start! But there's more to it than wanting to do social selling. Especially when you're in corporate, there will be some prerequisites. If you find yourself in this position of wanting your team to leverage LinkedIn and social selling successfully, this episode is for you! LinkedIn Whisperer Brynne Tilleman and LinkedIn Sherpa Bob Woods are giving away their social selling rollout step-by-step guide. Tune in as they'll also share a workbook you can use to roll out LinkedIn and social selling to your team. Plus, tips on how to get that all-important stamp of approval from corporate leadership.

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