Shanghai's Lockdown will enter its 5th week starting next week. How are brands in China reacting now or should they react at all? And more importantly, how will the lockdown impact the market in the long term and how should brands prepare for the future? Is this a great moment in advertising to connect with the masses? Please welcome McCann Health China's Chief Strategy Officer, Henry Shen, and Ogilvy Shanghai's Strategy Director, Arjun Paul Vendanayagam, to discuss this with Ali and Bryce. 1. Living the life of a strategic planner under Shanghai lockdown 2. Two sides of the coin: The Lockdown has actually brought neighbors closer together. People are starting to lose it 3. Short Term: Brands are being more cautious because they don't want to over-promise. 4. steps up and tries to deliver truckloads by the day 5. Long Term: Expect 2 Extremes: Carp Diem v. Stock For a Rainy Day: How to achieve the balance 6. Potential territories: Mental Wellness, Real-World Experiences, Comradeship, Live With What You Have 7. Can mental health be a potential brand territory? 8. Don't Waste This Crisis! Yes, it's possible here. 9. Anything you wish you knew as an advertiser? 10. Our 3 Key Lockdown Survival Tips: Yes, one is don't look at your phone so much! 11. A/B Test: Coke, Prison Break, Playstation, and lots of cabbages!