The B2B Revenue Executive Experience
Episode 257: The Fundamental Shift From the Art to the Science of Sales with Todd Abbott
Episode 257: The Fundamental Shift From the Art to the Science of Sales with Todd Abbott
EP 257
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October 4, 2022
Episode 257: The Fundamental Shift From...

We never really had the data to know what was going on in the sales process. We just relied on the judgment of reps. Sales was a mysterious art. Now, we have tech for every stage of the process. With the right data infrastructure, we get the insights that enable us to convert sales from art… to science. We can now capture all that information to help you understand where and why you win, both tactically and holistically, across the sales process. This fundamental shift from the art of sales to the science of sales is changing revenue operations, sales, and leadership. Do you know why your best-performing reps are your best-performing reps? If not, tune into this episode and guest: Todd Abbott, EVP of Corporate Development at Mediafly, who shares how new sales technology enables true cross-functional alignment across sales, marketing, services, management, and backend systems. Todd covers the mystery behind sales success and how technology fundamentally changes the game.

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